Rick R. Reed's IM

Rick R Reed IM

Plot: One by one, he's killing them. Lurking in a digital underworld, he lures, seduces, charms, reaching out through instant messages. In this killer's world, IM doesn't stand for instant message... it stands for instant murder. Openly gay Chicago Police detective Ed Comparetto is on a quest to unmask a killer -- who may himself be dead -- before he loses everything. Including his life.

My Review and Thoughts:

A wonderful amazing mix of pure tense story telling at its finest. A great bunch of emotions mix inside the reader as you get to the complete book. Rick R. Reed is great at telling a horrifying story that last and sticks and makes the reader remember. A great page turner. You fill up with many emotions. Each character and each emotion in every chapter has its own class that runs off the page and grabs the reader. 

A book of pure written entertainment. A tense suspense mystery of murder. Bloodshed and graphic death at the hands of a serial killer plays out in flawless detail. This reminds me of two classic movies 1980's Cruising and 1998's HARD but this book also stands as a true original work of fiction that surprising seems reality based and most of all spooky in that it can happen and does happen. I believe Reed is a master writer and word play artist in grabbing the reader and holding onto them as the story unfolds and takes place.

The killer is a demented psycho and Reed writes him perfect. You are woven into the story in getting the viewpoints of the victims, the detective and the killer, giving you all sides making it flow flawless all the better to consume and understand just what is happening. This is a nightmare induced story of electronic horror. 

In this day and age with social networks, e-mails, instant messaging and so on killers are everywhere and you just don't know who is on the other end waiting for there next victim, from a basher to a serial killer the choice is frightening and this book displays the horror that so many take for granted on just who they are talking to. Rick R. Reed is able to take the reader into a journey of suspense that is so tense at times your like, is this real.

One victim in Chapter 6 named Milt broke my heart. I could relate to him, felt his need for someone to love him, felt his need for someone to care for him or to care for. The build up of this chapter and then the horrible actions dealt to him, took my breath away. Reed captured a moment as a masterpiece of writing, a moment that stirred emotions inside me, I felt pain for Milt, and as I read, I felt empty and ashamed like it was real. That is the power of Reed's writing.

This book is thought provoking, blunt, emotional and disturbing. Chapter 6 like the whole book was a pure read of tension and emotional reality that lingers with the reader and showcases inside the reader the dread and fear landscaped on the pages, Milts death really affected me, Reed knows how to write flawless.

The overall sensual and erotic love making between Ed and Peter is another dynamic wonder of Reed's writing, you feel the steam and the passion flow from the words. The whole book is a countless ordeal of pure images that the reader takes in. The descriptions of the atmosphere to the descriptions of the brutal murder victims everything about this book is written for the reader to grasp everything that its about.

I can tell you honestly one thing about this book and that Reed knows how to write a sick, twisted, demented psychopath. The descriptions of this serial killers actions, doing stuff to his victims before and after death is a nightmarish and haunting reality. Reed creates a flawless villain to add to the literature world.

I tell you one thing I would love to see a whole series of Ed as a private dick (no gay pun intended) or a whole series of him as a Detective solving crimes and going after psycho's, I think it would be great, I know I would read them.

I was getting so use to this book, sitting cuddled under a blanket in my queen Anne chair in front of the fireplace that I did not want it to end. Every noise in the house I thought it was the Blond Haired Elf to kill me. But all good things must come to an end. This is a book I will remember. This is a book I will read again. This is a book that I will share and also promote as being a true winner of suspense, mystery, gay serial killer horror, written in flawless manner that the reader will always come back to.

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