William Malmborg's Jimmy

William Malmborg's Jimmy

Plot: High school can be a difficult time in a young person’s life, especially toward the end where one has to start making the sudden transition into adulthood. For Jimmy Hawthorn it is even worse. Not only does he need to successfully make that transition, he has to do it while hiding the fact that he is the one responsible for the disappearances of two fellow high school girls, both of whom are prisoners in a secret underground fallout shelter he discovered behind an abandoned house on the outskirts of town.

My Review and Thoughts: 

First off what I would like to pin point about the book is it's descriptive nature, very well balanced for the reader, flowing in away the reader is placed inside the story and the images and actions of the main player Jimmy and also the pain of the victims work in flawless detail as each ordeal is captured. The story comes together in ease, it glides off the page and automatically works in that you can relate or at least understand or sense the situation that is taking place. William Malmborg can create an atmosphere inside his book of dread and fear and a blunt undertone of reality horror that hides nothing back and gives it to you head on.  

The way Jimmy is written works, who Jimmy is, is almost child like in that reality of "because I can and that's what I want to do," or in all reality his sick and twisted ways in doing what he wishes upon another living human, that is what captures the reality based concept of who Jimmy is and just what makes his mind tick. 

The characters are well played you get the viewpoints and actions and thoughts from the bad guy plus the victims giving the reader a sense of understanding on both sides. The depravity of Jimmy plays out right along with the pain and suffering Samantha is going through giving it all the more reality based for the reader. The descriptions inside Jimmy’s mind about women in bondage or about himself as the woman in bondage plays out well through the story as you slowly see the result of a mind slowly becoming sexually active in the reality of pain and suffering, and stepping over that boundary of what is to far.

The dark side of sexual acts starts to control young Jimmy until finally he acts. I think what I like most about the book is the reality based concept of it. You turn on the news and you see all kinds of screwed up people doing screwed up things and most of all what seemed like normal kids (but what is normal) doing crazy and horrible things. Jimmy is clearly a screwed up kid that lets his fantasies control him, Jimmy really ain't that smart and yet he is at times calm and collected but in the end the sexual desire, the depravity of his needs are his down fall. 

The basis and humiliation and torture and force acts upon Samantha is a unnerving part of the book yet flows with the story to capture the ultimate depravity of the main player Jimmy. Now being a good and honest reviewer, a reviewer has to not only pinpoint the positive but also the negative. Pinpointing the negative in this book is not a lot and does not really destroy the book or cause the book to fail because it's a minor three things that the reader can over look. 

The first negative is the small talk and actions between Jimmy and his brother, just seems out of place talking about video games and Taco Bell although that also gives a reality to realizing that Jimmy is just a teenager even though he is doing all this horrible stuff, so really is it a negative or more of a positive, I suppose it's in the eye of the reader. Another small negative is a positive and a negative, the book has great descriptions of actions taking place but it also has descriptions of mundane stuff. The reader really does not need to know certain things, such is the case in what year he downloaded a bondage video and how he was underage, we know he is underage, small stuff like that, which is not a huge negative at all and basically the reader flows right over it but it is there, smacking the reader in the face at times.  

The third and last small negative is the length of the book I do feel it is too long and a little stretched but that's just my personal opinion and in all honesty does not really mess the book up, it's just something that needs to be mentioned. With all the negative said I return to the positive, The winning part of this story is the characterization of Jimmy, even though he is a deranged kid with many horrible fantasies and actions, Jimmy still has that teenage reality to him. The book is written out in away, should I say, you become Jimmy, or you become apart of Jimmy's actions making the writing flawless in that way, because you start to turn the page in wanting to know what Jimmy is going to do next and should I say this without sounding weird, not really caring if the innocent victim survives, because you as the reader want to know what happens to Jimmy.

Now I don't want to sound like a twisted sick pervert but you as the reader become attached to Jimmy and ultimately Samantha also but the way the book is written Jimmy is the basis of the story and so the reader holds and becomes more acquainted with Jimmy, the psycho and not Samantha, the innocent one tied up. I feel this is a strong point of the book, you follow and become Jimmy.What stands out is the frank in your face torment and sexual nature to the story, giving it a dark natured reality of the somewhat erotic and also somewhat disturbing and disgusting reality that builds the story in great detail, making the book all the more believable as you read on. The ideas inside the book plays with the reader. 

The book is well written, sustained in capturing true depravity and also the adventures of a sexually perverted young man. Nice written storyline, built up tension and violent actions. The story flows with ease and the characters are written out to understand and are down to earth. The book is violent, twisted and in reality a perfect read. William Malmborg knows how to write a book, a descriptive book that lingers inside the head of the reader long after it's over. I recommend this book. 

It's a quick read and one that truly plays with the emotions, the deep dark inner emotions right along with the emotions of caring and sympathy. The book works in many ways for the reader and I feel it's a great step inside the mind of the bad guy, or is Jimmy just the normal one and we all are the abnormal one's.


(Support William Malmborg's writing he is a true gifted story teller that needs to be a household name.)

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