William Malmborg's Scraping the Bone Ten Dark Tales

William Malmborgs Scraping the Bone Ten Dark Tales


Imagine a scalpel lowering toward a young lady’s flesh, the razor edge gleaming in the light as the practiced fingers bring it closer and closer to the quivering pores. Eyes wide, she watches as the blade makes contact, a quick jingle of chain marking the moment as the body lets out a sudden shiver. Silence follows, the homemade gag preventing any protests from being made. PLEASE, GOD, NO! In it goes, the blade slicing through the skin as if it isn’t even there, its edge effortlessly slipping through fat, muscle and sinew until . . . a high pitched grating sound echoes through the air as the edge scrapes against the bone, the razor quickly dulling itself on each pass. With the sound comes a smile, for this is the moment he has been waiting for, the moment William Malmborg lives for. Darkness like no other lurks inside his mind, and from it these ten tales have emerged. Be warned, however, for the little tidbit above is just a tease, one that only provides a slight glimpse of depravity within.

My Review and Thoughts:

This is a twisted trip into ten different stories of killers, ghost and spooky stuff. Mr. Malmborg is a fantastic writer in capturing a down to earth feel and understanding inside the stories he writes.

This is a quick read and very worthy to take a trip into the dark realms of Mr. Malmborgs imagination. Some stories are better then others but each one captures a unique original and fresh quality to it. 

The reader can take a trip into insanity and spooks inside the pages of these moments in fiction that can at times feel real and can be considered a reality that can be related to.

There is a darker nature to some of these stories such as Sunburn and The Boneyard and Wrongturn which tend to be three of my favorite. I feel my two favorites of the ten is Jacobs Gift and Code Blue, both reality based through emotions and wishes and also the pain related to life and death.

There are two that leaves you with a smack in the face because the lack of outcome. These two leave the reader dumb founded but that is what also makes these two stand out as flooring and memorable. Rest Stop and Red Pickup are the two that never really end and makes the reader write their own ending or at least guessing on what takes place. 

The whole bunch come together in a fictional wonderland of dark tones and magical outcomes of insanity that flow off the page and enters the mind of the one reading.

Its a fun twisty read, quick, simple, original at times, flows perfect, and worth your time and money.

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